Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Walk Monday 01/28/09: Wise Counsel

I am catching up on my "My Walk Monday" even though today is Wednesday.

I have been meaning to write something that God has placed on my heart lately. This post is titled "Wise Counsel" because this is something that is sooooo important to me and my walk with the Lord. I don't know where I would be without the wonderful people God has brought in my life. As I have been meditating on this post for the last week Psalms Chapter 1 keeps coming to mind.

Psalms Chapter 1 is a very important chapter because it speaks of the importance of having solid biblical counsel and how it can make or break the life of the believer. This particular Psalm speaks of how blessed (or happy) the person is who walks in the counsel of the Godly and contrasts this to the person who walks in the counsel of the ungodly. The Psalm likened the man or woman, who sought godly counsel to a tree which was big and strong with strong roots which kept the Christian in different difficult seasons of life. This blessed (happy) person is one who mediates on the Bible and who seeks counsel from godly people. The opposite is the person who seeks ungodly counsel. This person is like a tree which dries up during hard times, and leaves wither. They are also unable to produce fruit because they are disconnected from the "water source."

I have witnessed this in my own life and I am forever grateful for many people whom God has placed in my life. I don't understand why He loves me so much and why He is so good to me. From my youth pastors who loved me unconditionally, to the various people he has blessed me with, I am forever thankful. I will never forget two particular women who God brought to me, both in times of great need in my life. I had the opportunity to spend time with these women last weekend and I every time I do, I am completely refreshed and encouraged. They have taught me things like forgiveness, prayer, humility, submission, and more than that they have unconditionally loved me when I have been most unlovable. It's not only the things they have taught me which have been most instrumental, but it's their lives that have spoken to me the loudest. I have seen the way the treat their husbands, and how they raise their children, and I only hope one day I can be that example for someone else. I hope to one day become that type of women.
I will never forget Mary who sat with me time and time again during my years of drug addiction. She loved me and continued to pray for me relentlessly. Although I was very lost and broken, I remember she would just sit, listen, and pray for me as I cried and cried. She also has put up with me over the years and I am forever grateful for her. She has taught me sooo much about marriage and continues to give me solid biblical counsel even when I am stubborn. :) I have enjoyed being in her bible studies and I have learned so much about the women God desires me to be. I have known her for about 12 years, and I know it was God who brought her along my path.

I am so blessed by Terry who is also a gift from God. I will never forget the first time I met her, I knew it was God. I first saw her heart for prayer and we immediately became friends. Her willingness to share her testimony and continue to reach out to me when I was not able to give anything in return was a gift which I will never understand. I was at a very hard time in my life once again, but looking back I can see how God orchestrated the entire thing. She took me through a study called Healed and Set Free at a time in my life where God was healing me from some very painful things. Her testimony and example has meant the world to me.

What has blessed me the most about these women is their consistency and devotion to the Lord. They have truly weathered the storms of life, and they have become stronger and stronger. When getting counsel from someone it's vital that they point you to the Word of God. It's one thing to tell people what we think, or how we feel, but it's soooooo crucial to point people to the truth in God's word. God's truth combined with the power of the Holy Spirit is what heals and sets free.

Thank you Jesus.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Politics in Perilous Times

Well tomorrow is President Obama's inauguration speech and I am a little frustrated. Okay a lot. It makes me sad to think of what is happening in our country. Then I turn on the news today and they are speaking of the Inauguration Party and how it is going to cost $150 million dollars just to celebrate Obama's entrance into the White House, which is 3 times what Bush's inauguration cost. I just don't understand why that much money is being spent on a welcome party, when the economy is in such bad shape.

What is even stranger to me is why Christians are so tolerant lately. I guess to me the truth is pretty black and white. When I picture America, I think of Sodom and Gomorrah and how Lot had to run and take his family out of the wicked city in order to be saved from destruction. His wife however turned back to look at Sodom and then she was turned into a pillar of salt. She turned back because she could not leave the sinful lifestyle behind. For some reason she felt she needed to look back because she was drawn to it. But see Lot should not have chosen to reside near Sodom in the first place. Abram gave him his choice of land to reside in, he was given the first pick. The decision Lot made almost cost him his entire family.

This reminds me of sin and how this world is so full of sin and deception. I guess I just am discouraged but why should I be? Jesus already warned us these times would come. The end times are inevitable and to me they are here for sure. I guess I am just disappointed by Christians who just don't want to rock the boat. They don't ever want to make any waves, because they want to blend in. They will vote for anyone, just merely based upon what he can "do" for them, or for equality rights. I believe Christians especially should vote their conscience and not try to blend in. They especially should vote for morals above money. Matthew 6:33 says "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL these things shall be added unto you." We aren't supposed to vote for the man who will make the wisest economic decisions or who is most heroic. We are supposed to vote for the man who fears God. When we put God first, he promises to meet our needs.

I just don't understand why I drive into church and people have Obama stickers on their cars, and people have Obama all over their websites and Facebook sites. These things make me sad because this is a sign of weak morale.

This indicates the heart of the people who are making a choice on where they stand. They are choosing what matters most to them, and it is not morals or right and wrong. This is a "sign" of the inner heart. I also don't understand why Obama would want a well known pastor to pray during his inauguration. I am unsure what type of message he wants to convey. This is strange to me. Sort of like asking God to bless me as I am about to sign in a massive amount of immoral and wicked legislature. Sort of like I want God's blessing on my endeavours but I don't want any sort of guidelines or commandments to follow.

It seems now more than ever Christians need to stand up for what is right. They need to lift up what is right, and encourage other Christians to do the same. I think of Jay Sekulow from the ACLJ, and how he is continuously fighting to keep Christian rights in effect and all the work he puts in. I respect him because he is willing to stand up and fight for what is right.

The prophets in the Bible also stood up for what is right as they spoke of the Messiah to come. The disciples started the early church even though they underwent horrific persecution. The cool thing is the persecution is actually what scattered and grew the church. :)

"But others were tortured, refusing to turn from God in order to be set free. They placed their hope in a better life after the resurrection. Some were jeered at, and their backs were cut open with whips. Others were chained in prisons. Some died by stoning, some were sawed in half, and others were killed with the sword. Some went about wearing skins of sheep and goats, destitute and oppressed and mistreated. They were too good for this world, wandering over deserts and mountains, hiding in caves and holes in the ground.(Hebrews 11:35b-38)

As I look all around it is evident we are in perilous times. Why are people so oblivious to the Lord? Why are Christians turning away? Why is there such a pull towards the things of this World and such a complacency in the church? Shouldn't it be the opposite?

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20

What breaks my heart the most is the amount of people I know who call themselves "Christians". Even in my own family, there are so many people who claim they know Jesus Christ. They claim they are saved and born again. They are sure that they are going to heaven and they proclaim it with boldness. They shed a tear when Christ is mentioned, but their lives display someone who is completely torn. Sometimes I wonder if I will see them in heaven one day. I get sad when I see so many people from my Christian High School, who now 10 years later, want nothing to do with Christianity. They are successful men and women who are interested in glamour and worldliness. I think of how empty they must be and how they are searching for something or someone to fill the hole only God can fill. I think of the verse that haunts me sometimes because I wonder how many of these people are really saved at all.

Matthew 7:14 reads:

"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Notice this verse does not say how many find it, or the massive amounts of people who find it. No. It says narrow is the road and only a FEW find it.

This breaks my heart.

I wonder how many people have lived in their own Sodom so long that they are being pulled towards it's lies. It saddens me how sin is so deceptive and how even if they are given the opportunity to get out like Lot was, how they would still look back.

However, in the midst of all things Christians are called to pray for their leaders. No matter what. Also, we are to remember that they will know us by our love for one another. We need to get over our frustrations and walk in love. No matter if we disagree. We are called to honor the authority which is placed over us by God and pray. We are supposed to be as wise as a serpent, but harmless as a dove.
"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."(Matthew 10:16)
I am thankful God is in control despite what is going on, and who is in office. We need to constantly remember this world is not our home and like C28's motto says: We are Not of This World. NTW.

"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35

My Walk Mondays

I am dedicating this post to my friend Carolyn Garland. She is an awesome woman of God whom I respect very much. Her blog is incredible... I really don't understand how she does it. She also has her own scrapbooking business called Scrapping Servant. You can find her at

She is really into the whole art of scrapbooking, it is really incredible. She can bust out backgrounds like nobody else. About a year ago I actually bought some materials from her at a craft show, because I decided I would try my hand at scrapbooking. I decided I would make a Prayer Scrapbook complete with pictures of my family, so I could pray for them. Bad idea. Let's just say my scrapbook was scrapped. :) Sorry Carolyn, I really did try. I just had no idea I couldn't use Elmer's glue. I guess am just not artsy enough.

Carolyn also displays a concept on her blog called My Walk Mondays. It's basically just a group of bloggers who get together and share what God is showing them every Monday. I think it is a really great idea. I even started looking around and found some really awesome blogs of some Christians out there who are really sold out for God. It was really encouraging to me.

So here I go.

Today I decided to read Psalms 19 and Proverbs 19 since today is the 19th.

I really enjoy reading the Psalms and Proverbs of the day because it's a great balance. Psalms is usually really encouraging and soothing. While Proverbs is more wisdom for the day. Today's' Psalm is beautiful. This Psalms is referring to the greatness of God and How beautiful He is. As I was reading this Psalm I felt such joy. It reminds me of the joy that comes from serving God. He really does fill us with His joy and peace. His truth gives light to our eyes. His ordinances are more precious than gold. Gold is lame compared to Him. I am just so in love with Him. I just want more of Him.

The last verse really hit me though. I love how David always openly and honestly took a look in the mirror, and brought his whole self to God. He longed for his heart to be pure before God. This reminds me of my own heart, and how I long to be pure before Him. So often my heart if so full of junk, but I am reminded to always come to Him to be made clean. Not only should I come to God with my heart today, but I also need to meditate on things which are good and pleasing before Him throughout the day. This is my goal for Monday January 19, 2009.

I particularly enjoyed the end of the Psalm:

Psalms 19:7-14

7. The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
8. The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.
9. The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.
10. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.
11. By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.
12. Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults.
13. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression.
14. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How to Be a David in a Saul World

Christians exist to be in a relationship with God. God created us to glorify Him. Since God loves people, if we love him we will feed his sheep(John 21:17). But the question is:

  • How do we achieve this day to day?

How do we walk in relationship with Jesus, grow, and accomplish this task? King David faced this dilemma throughout his life, as he sought out to follow the Lord. His very life illustrated the work of Jesus who seeks a broken vessel to accomplish his tasks. David went through outrageous trials in his life at the hand of a man named King Saul.

In the book: "A Tale of Three Kings" Edwards speaks of certain truths which blow my mind. In fact all of Jesus' teachings also blow my mind. I just don't understand how God would place us in situations like David and expect us to be okay. It is hard to grasp the teachings of forgiveness, humility, and turning the other cheek. But the more I understand the Lord, it all makes sense. The more I understand His love, the more I WANT to live a life which is one that will bring Him glory.

You see real Christianity has nothing to do with the American culture today. Real Christianity is about dying to self and brokenness before the Lord. So often the world's philosophies and psychologies talks about building up self and taking care of "me." They are opposite to the truths of scripture and this grieves me so much. I just care about people and I want people to experience the best. I want them to experience God's greatness and His heart in their own lives. I am not talking about a life free of problems and trials. This will never happen this side of heaven. I am referring to a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ with peace and hope in the midst of these things. I believe that this can only happen when we follow the truths of scripture and turn away from the worldly ways of thinking.

"If I just set the right boundaries than nobody will ever mess with me."
"I won't be treated like_____________."
"I won't stand for this or that."
"I, I, I. Me, me, me."
"I need to learn to love myself."
"I need some me time."
"I will get revenge."
"They will be sorry....."
"I have a right to feel this way. I have the right to have this pain and act like this or that."
"It's always their fault. It can never be my fault."
"I need to explore my self."

I just don't see these things in the Bible. In fact they aren't there. Basically these worldly motto's are pride. Too much self introspection is a form of self loathing which centers around the "me" mentality which can be unhealthy and dangerous. The Bible tells us our hearts our wicked at the very core. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it?(Jeremiah 17:9)."

The end result of these attitudes is often bitterness and a lack of character. Throughout the Bible there is a goal of being God centered, not self centered. We are supposed to deny ourselves, not constantly be about self.

Matthew 16:24,25 reads: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life he will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it."

Christians are not supposed to focus on their own needs all the time. They are to be other's centered. I am not talking about living a life of a martyr and denying one's every need. I am also not talking about not dealing with sin in our lives. I am talking about fixing one's eyes on Jesus and His truths and walking in Him. When we lift up the name of Jesus in worship, when we fix our hearts and mind on the promises of God, when we fix our attention on obeying Him and surrendering the junk in our lives, our circumstances seem to melt away in light of His greatness.

It is quite possible to be a Saul in today's world. It is actually easier, and takes less work. It just all depends on what you want I guess.

I thought it was interesting that Edwards' points out that we all have authority figures in our lives, that are either one of two types of people. They can be a king after the order of David or Saul. It is also interesting that we can never really know for sure which one they are. We can't know this because God is the judge, not us. Therefore, whether it be a boss, a friend, a leader, or relative that brings us pain, it is there for a purpose. It could be that the very pain we experience in the hands of these people, is what God is using as a source of character building in us. They could be the very thing which God seeks to use to break us. The very friction we experience as we brush shoulders with them, is the chisel God is using to cleanse the impurities of us, His vessels.
God likes us when we are broken, because that is where humility lies. David himself knew this point as he wrote Psalms 51. "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise(Psalms 51:17)."

I love the point that Edwards' makes:

"You have your eyes on the wrong King Saul. As long as you look at your king you will blame him, and him alone, for your present hell. But be careful, for God has his eyes fastened sharply on another King Saul. Not the visible one standing up there throwing spears at you. No, God is looking at another King Saul. One just as bad- or worse.
God is looking at the King Saul in you(page 24)."

I think we as Christians need to turn the focus off of our circumstances and onto Jesus. We also need to not blame other people for our circumstances or pain. We need to take everything as a learning tool to grow. All we can do is focus on ourselves and make sure that we are walking in obedience to him. We need to be humble like David and forsake the Saul mentality which is prevalent in our culture today. We need to not be about self, but forsake self and surrender our all to Jesus. When we are in a trial, we need to seek God for wisdom on how to handle certain situations. We need His guidance to help lead us everyday. His Word also provides the truth we need to navigate through life. We also learn from the book of James that trials produce patience and character. We cannot control what happens around us, but we can control our reactions and CHOOSE to seek God for his help and grace to make the needed changes in us. We need the Holy Spirit which is alive inside of us to produce the fruits of the Spirit.

James 1:2-5 reads: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. "

Maybe we should start thanking God for the trials in our lives which are producing in us the fruits which will glorify Him. :) Amen? Amen.